Drink recalled in Asia due to DEHP concerns
Plasticizer storm, Leoco laboratory has the capability to help detect the concen [...]
Plasticizer storm, Leoco laboratory has the capability to help detect the concen [...]
The testing equipments list as below, Please check the detail in /Quality /Labor [...]
Abstract ISO/IEC 17025:2005 specifies the general requirements for the competenc [...]
Since the Indonesia market for Leoco had expanded dramatically Leoco ID in late [...]
True to the vision and the core believe for serving both its customers and emplo [...]
October, 29th 2010 Leoco's new HDMI 1.4 cable was formally approved by HDMI.org. [...]
Leoco will once again be showcasing at the annual Electronica show in Munich, Ge [...]
The improvement to Leoco factory was not only in its capacity for production but [...]
With the advent of new technologies in multimedia worldwide and the increasing o [...]
While the economy is experience a down trend, Leoco group was expanding its manu [...]